Liminal Space: Slooow Flow + Restorative Practice

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Liminal Space: Slooow Flow + Restorative Practice


This well-rounded practice includes 45 minutes of Slooow Flow (moving with the breath) with a touch of Somatic Strength training. We end with two deep Restorative poses to enter into liminal space: between awake and asleep.

Liminal is a fancy word we used a lot when I was in architecture graduate school in New York City. Can you picture me talking about “liminal spaces” while wearing all black and drinking cheap Pinot Noir?

All pretension aside, liminal is a great word that points to the in-between, where things are neither here nor there, capturing the richness imbedded In transition and ambiguity.

When you practice Savasana, for example, you intentionally spend time in a liminal state of consciousness. This is the source of a tremendous wellspring of insight, creativity, and healing.

Join me for 85 minutes to uplift your body/mind.

This class is on demand - that means you'll be able to practice with the recording as soon as you purchase. The video is yours to download and keep forever.

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