You're not broken.
You don’t need to achieve more.
You don’t need “wellness.”
You’re just exhausted.
Come rest with me!

Our lonely, distracted, overstimulated nervous systems crave relief. The spacious silence of Restorative yoga, pranayama, and meditation teach us how to downshift.

These quiet practices allow us to open up and let go into our own intuition and creative wisdom. In other words, they are tools to decrease stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

We know that sustainable somatic self care is not about becoming super-human through optimization. And yoga has so much more to offer us than just gymnastics.

If this resonates with you, I’m glad we found each other.

The first step is to subscribe to my free newsletter for encouragement to unwind, unclench, and uncover the path home to silence. And here are the links to see my current offerings or to read more about me.